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Bitcoin Runes Sudden Impact on Bitcoin Network Post-Halving
Bitcoin Runes Sudden Impact on Bitcoin Network Post-Halving

Research suggests that the recent introduction of Bitcoin Runes has made a significant impact on the Bitcoin network particularly amid the cryptocurr…

Learn Concept: The Impact of Bitcoin Halving on Market Sustainability
Learn Concept: The Impact of Bitcoin Halving on Market Sustainability

Bitcoin halving, a fundamental concept in Bitcoin's protocol, refers to the process of reducing the block reward that miners receive for validating t…

Biotecnology Breakthrough involves AI-based Human Gene Editing
Biotecnology Breakthrough involves AI-based Human Gene Editing

Biotechnology company Profluent paving way for remarkable medical breakthroughs using artificial intelligence (AI). The company's novel approach invo…

SEC Proposes $5.3 Billion In Fines for Terraform Labs and Co-Founder Do Kwon
SEC Proposes $5.3 Billion In Fines for Terraform Labs and Co-Founder Do Kwon

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking almost $5.3 billion in fines from MS Terraform Labs and its co-founder, Do Kwon followin…


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